You may have thought about getting your self-care day up a notch, grazed on the idea of getting a facial, and pondered if you need it. The truth is, beyond being relaxed and pampered, medical facials offer benefits to your skin that can refine the effects of your at-home skincare routine.
By improving circulation of the blood flow under the skin, medical facials aid with renewing skin cells which enhances the appearance of the skin. Promoting blood circulation delivers nutrients and oxygen.
Through the promotion of blood circulation, nutrients and oxygen are delivered to the skin cells which can affect collagen production, aiding in preventing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Golden Microchanneling RF allows for better penetration of topical treatments improving collagen formation and getting rid of blemishes and acne scars on the face and body.
Deep Cleansing
Sometimes, we need a boost in getting deep down in our pores beyond just our daily cleansers. Medical facials can help detox the skin of congestion and impurities that our normal cleansers cannot.
Microdermabrasion Facials are gentle procedures that detox and clean the skin of congestion and impurities.
Creating real and visible changes to your skin can take time, but being informed can make the process of loving your skin easier. Speak with us today to know how she can help you protect your skin and customize remedies for it.